Dover Impulse VR

These are the vandal resistant version of Dover Impulse. They look totally different than Impulse, however their workings are the exact same. In this project video, I wire up an intermediate call button.

Since these are Impulse fixtures, you may find some of my other Dover Impulse videos interesting: Click here to see more Dover Impulse

In this video, I reference another one of my projects regarding custom LED holders. Check out that video here

(Video will start at the custom LED holder part)


VR buttons are wired just like regular Impulse. In my video, I show how to wire an intermediate button. A wiring schematic for this fixture (and other intermediate call buttons) is shown here.

If you are using an LED for your lamp, you will want to make sure that you put in the appropriate resistor in between the switch and lamp so you don't ruin your LED. Use my resistor calculator below to calculate the resistance needed for your circuit.

  • The general current range for an led is between 12mA to 20mA. The higher the current, the brighter the LED.
  • LED voltage drops vary depending on the color with red being 1.7-2.0V and green being 3-3.3V.
  • Check your LED datasheet for official values, though these ranges should be fine.